Sunday, 28 January 2007

gosh it is exhausting being a sleepy egg. I've been so eggy all day i don't think there's much hope for improvement and i should probably actually fall asleep. Maybe i'll just join the fat hams....

1 comment:

F. Hams said...

You will always be welcome among the hams, egg. Infact, some say that being a sleepy egg is merely a stage on the long and arduous road towards hamdom. We at the Hamctuary have been struck by the profundity of your message - why some of the brothers have found it very hard to keep their mind on ham; I am afraid your writings have been restricted to the more smoky and mature among us... I don't mind letting you know that some of the younger Cureds were discovered late Hamday night, revelling in their cell, listening to rock and roll and holding your teachings, in the form of 'Sleep, Eggs and my undestanding of Ham, close to their chests in mock romantic gesture!!! (Not to mention the fact that they were wearing their cassocks OVER their surpluses!!! naughty beggars.) But thank you nonetheless - you have been an inspiration to me and to countless others here.


Brother Lardimus, Hamctuary of the Fatter Day Saints, Parma, Italy.